Monday, August 4, 2008

Advertising Age: 'Mad Men' as Fashion Muse

Television is driving some fashion trends.

'Mad Men' as Fashion Muse

AMC Hit Has Brought Back the Skinny Tie, Slim Suits and Pearls -- and Inspired a Michael Kors Line

August 04, 2008
NEW YORK ( -- "Mad Men" has conjured up nostalgia, hostility and more than a few Emmy nominations. And now the slick world of Sterling Cooper is inspiring fashionistas everywhere.

This trend shaping has gone on for a long time. People follow the looks that are hip from movies and television. A few programs that shaped how some segment of how the population dressed are...
What shows and movies would you add to the list?

It is interesting that Mad Men, a program that most people are unfamiliar with, may become a major driver of fashion. Under the radar to most consumers. It will sink or swim based on being a good look.

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